知识蒸馏(Knowledge Distillation)的Pytorch实现以及分析
知识蒸馏(Knowledge Distillation)的概念由Hinton大神于2015年在论文《Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network》中提出,论文见:https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.02531。此方法的主要思想为:通过结构复杂、计算量大但是性能优秀的教师神经网络,对结构相对简单、计算量较小的学生神经网络进行指导,以提升学生神经网络的性能。论文中提出了“暗知识”这一概念,即:比如我们在识别一张猫猫的图片的时候,一个性能良好的神经网络经过softmax变换后的输出,在一般该向量中代表猫猫的位置会得到一个非常高的值,比如,0.9,而代表其它分类的值在传统的研究中就不那么受重视了。Hinton大神认为,其它位置得到的值能够为我们提供一些额外的信息,比如,在猫得到0.9的同时,识别为狮子的值可能因为相似的缘故给到了0.09,而识别为汽车的值则可能只有0.0001。在我的理解中,这种目标间的相似性,就是“暗知识”的本质。为了要放大这种“暗知识”所包含的信息,Hinton在传统的softmax函数中加入温度参数T,变为下式所示:
那我们就开搞啦,首先是搭建教师网络,我这里选择的是resnet18,并且由于电脑训练速度的原因(渣机无力……)将网络中所有卷积核的数目减少了一半,训练集采用Cifar10,训练时对图像进行了padding之后随机裁剪以及随机水平翻转来加入噪声。优化器采用带动量项的SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4),训练200个epoch,其中在第100以及第150个epoch时将学习率除10,详细的代码见文章末尾的github地址好啦。训练完成后,网络对测试集的识别结果如下所示:
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 93.970000 %
Accuracy of plane : 97.727273 %
Accuracy of car : 100.000000 %
Accuracy of bird : 84.210526 %
Accuracy of cat : 86.046512 %
Accuracy of deer : 93.877551 %
Accuracy of dog : 96.875000 %
Accuracy of frog : 98.113208 %
Accuracy of horse : 93.750000 %
Accuracy of ship : 95.833333 %
Accuracy of truck : 100.000000 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 84.350000 %
Accuracy of plane : 88.636364 %
Accuracy of car : 93.750000 %
Accuracy of bird : 78.947368 %
Accuracy of cat : 72.093023 %
Accuracy of deer : 83.673469 %
Accuracy of dog : 81.250000 %
Accuracy of frog : 94.339623 %
Accuracy of horse : 87.500000 %
Accuracy of ship : 83.333333 %
Accuracy of truck : 93.103448 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 83.870000 %
Accuracy of plane : 97.727273 %
Accuracy of car : 90.625000 %
Accuracy of bird : 63.157895 %
Accuracy of cat : 76.744186 %
Accuracy of deer : 91.836735 %
Accuracy of dog : 81.250000 %
Accuracy of frog : 84.905660 %
Accuracy of horse : 84.375000 %
Accuracy of ship : 85.416667 %
Accuracy of truck : 96.551724 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 84.760000 %
Accuracy of plane : 88.636364 %
Accuracy of car : 96.875000 %
Accuracy of bird : 68.421053 %
Accuracy of cat : 72.093023 %
Accuracy of deer : 83.673469 %
Accuracy of dog : 84.375000 %
Accuracy of frog : 90.566038 %
Accuracy of horse : 87.500000 %
Accuracy of ship : 89.583333 %
Accuracy of truck : 86.206897 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 84.240000 %
Accuracy of plane : 93.181818 %
Accuracy of car : 90.625000 %
Accuracy of bird : 81.578947 %
Accuracy of cat : 74.418605 %
Accuracy of deer : 77.551020 %
Accuracy of dog : 81.250000 %
Accuracy of frog : 83.018868 %
Accuracy of horse : 93.750000 %
Accuracy of ship : 89.583333 %
Accuracy of truck : 82.758621 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 79.110000 %
Accuracy of plane : 90.909091 %
Accuracy of car : 90.625000 %
Accuracy of bird : 68.421053 %
Accuracy of cat : 67.441860 %
Accuracy of deer : 69.387755 %
Accuracy of dog : 68.750000 %
Accuracy of frog : 81.132075 %
Accuracy of horse : 78.125000 %
Accuracy of ship : 85.416667 %
Accuracy of truck : 86.206897 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 76.720000 %
Accuracy of plane : 90.909091 %
Accuracy of car : 96.875000 %
Accuracy of bird : 60.526316 %
Accuracy of cat : 62.790698 %
Accuracy of deer : 73.469388 %
Accuracy of dog : 59.375000 %
Accuracy of frog : 77.358491 %
Accuracy of horse : 81.250000 %
Accuracy of ship : 83.333333 %
Accuracy of truck : 79.310345 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 78.600000 %
Accuracy of plane : 93.181818 %
Accuracy of car : 90.625000 %
Accuracy of bird : 63.157895 %
Accuracy of cat : 62.790698 %
Accuracy of deer : 75.510204 %
Accuracy of dog : 62.500000 %
Accuracy of frog : 83.018868 %
Accuracy of horse : 78.125000 %
Accuracy of ship : 89.583333 %
Accuracy of truck : 86.206897 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 76.550000 %
Accuracy of plane : 88.636364 %
Accuracy of car : 93.750000 %
Accuracy of bird : 73.684211 %
Accuracy of cat : 67.441860 %
Accuracy of deer : 75.510204 %
Accuracy of dog : 62.500000 %
Accuracy of frog : 86.792453 %
Accuracy of horse : 78.125000 %
Accuracy of ship : 89.583333 %
Accuracy of truck : 75.862069 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 85.190000 %
Accuracy of plane : 93.181818 %
Accuracy of car : 96.875000 %
Accuracy of bird : 78.947368 %
Accuracy of cat : 83.720930 %
Accuracy of deer : 81.632653 %
Accuracy of dog : 84.375000 %
Accuracy of frog : 92.452830 %
Accuracy of horse : 75.000000 %
Accuracy of ship : 87.500000 %
Accuracy of truck : 93.103448 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 84.490000 %
Accuracy of plane : 93.181818 %
Accuracy of car : 93.750000 %
Accuracy of bird : 73.684211 %
Accuracy of cat : 76.744186 %
Accuracy of deer : 85.714286 %
Accuracy of dog : 78.125000 %
Accuracy of frog : 81.132075 %
Accuracy of horse : 84.375000 %
Accuracy of ship : 87.500000 %
Accuracy of truck : 89.655172 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 85.310000 %
Accuracy of plane : 100.000000 %
Accuracy of car : 93.750000 %
Accuracy of bird : 60.526316 %
Accuracy of cat : 83.720930 %
Accuracy of deer : 87.755102 %
Accuracy of dog : 75.000000 %
Accuracy of frog : 92.452830 %
Accuracy of horse : 87.500000 %
Accuracy of ship : 93.750000 %
Accuracy of truck : 89.655172 %
Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images: 85.370000 %
Accuracy of plane : 95.454545 %
Accuracy of car : 93.750000 %
Accuracy of bird : 76.315789 %
Accuracy of cat : 74.418605 %
Accuracy of deer : 85.714286 %
Accuracy of dog : 78.125000 %
Accuracy of frog : 88.679245 %
Accuracy of horse : 84.375000 %
Accuracy of ship : 87.500000 %
Accuracy of truck : 89.655172 %