ubuntu 安装tor

1.lsb_release -c or cat /etc/debian_version

     Ubuntu 10.04 or Trisquel 4.0 is “lucid”

2.Then add this line to your/etc/apt/sources.listfile:

     #deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org main

     #torproject.org 已经被和谐

     deb http://mirror.netcologne.de/torproject.org lucid main

3.Then add the gpg key used to sign the packages by running the followingcommands at your command prompt:

     gpg –keyserver keys.gnupg.net –recv 886DDD89

     gpg –export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add –

4.install tor

    sudo apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb

5.install polipo

   sudo apt-get install polipo

6.Configure the proxy

   # https://gitweb.torproject.org/torbrowser.git/blob/ae4aa49ad9100a50eec049d0a419fac63a84d874:/build-scripts/config/polipo.conf

   sudo mv -i /etc/polipo/config   /etc/polipo/config.orig

   sudo mv -i ~/Downloads/polipo.conf   /etc/polipo/config

7.配置TOR bridges

    a. 获取网桥地址

         用你的gmail帐号发送主题和内容为”get bridges”的邮件至[email protected]


       首先,备份原Tor配置文件torrc至备份目录: sudo cp -p /etc/tor/torrc your-backup-directory


              UseBridges 1


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